Does a Door That Won't Close Indicate Structural Problems?
A door that sticks, won’t latch, or scrapes the floor doesn’t always mean you have structural problems. Many door issues simply stem from non-structural causes like humidity, poor installation, or aging materials. However, foundation movement can also push door frames out of alignment. If your door problems accompany other warning signs (explained below), they could indicate a bigger issue with your home’s stability.
As the leading foundation repair contractors in Denver, we often help homeowners with structural repairs both small and large. Sometimes some simple moisture mitigation will fix the problem. Please get in touch for a complimentary consultation today.
Non-Structural Reasons Why Your Doors Don't Work
Don’t immediately jump to conclusions about foundation trouble, since there are many non-structural reasons a door may stop working properly. Wood doors can swell with humidity in the summer, which causes them to stick or rub against the frame. Over time, hinges loosen, screws pull out, or shifting temperatures cause minor expansions and contractions. Poor installation or low-quality materials can also lead to doors that never quite fit correctly from the start. Even changes in carpet thickness or flooring materials can make a door rub where it didn’t before.
Look for Corroborating Signs of Foundation Issues
Big cracks in walls (not just tiny hairline fractures), particularly diagonal ones extending from door and window corners, mean that the structural integrity of your home is likely compromised. Stair-step cracks in brickwork or gaps in exterior siding can signal uneven foundation settling. Uneven or sloping floors, gaps between crown molding and the ceiling, and windows that no longer open or close properly can also indicate movement beneath your home.
If doors don’t work in multiple parts of the house, that could be interpreted as another warning sign. If you are seeing noticeable gaps at the top or bottom of multiple doors in your house, your foundation could be shifting. You can expect foundation shifting from summer to winter if you live in an area with expansive clay soil, but it’s something to monitor.
Foundation Repairs vs. Simple Door Repairs
How You Can Apply Cheap and Superficial Fixes to Your Doors
Your local handyman can help you by adding longer screws to hinge plates to pull the door frame back into shape. Shims behind hinges, or even slight sanding of the door’s edge, can help it swing freely again. If the latch no longer lines up with the strike plate, moving the plate up or down slightly can restore function. But again, if all of the doors in your home are failing to open and close properly, the issue is due to foundation shifting.
Foundation Repair Options
Serious foundation problems will require a professional foundation repair company in Boulder. In cases of minor settling, soil rehydration or improved drainage may be enough to stabilize the home. But more invasive measures may include underpinning with piers, slabjacking, crawl space supports, and soil stabilization. Underpinning with piers involves driving helical or concrete piers deep into the ground to stabilize and lift sections of the foundation. Slabjacking is another technique where material is injected beneath a sinking slab to lift and level it. Crawl space supports provide additional structural reinforcement beneath a home with a crawl space, redistributing weight and correcting movement. Soil stabilization treatments can also be used to improve ground stability when shifting soil contributes to foundation movement.
Regular House Settlement is Expected, and Even Seasonal
All homes settle over time. Seasonal shifts can cause doors to behave differently depending on humidity and soil conditions. Some movement is normal and does not necessarily indicate serious structural failure. Homeowners should monitor their home’s condition over time, looking for persistent or worsening issues before assuming a foundation repair is necessary.
But if you need a professional eye on your foundation, call Arise Constructions and Remodels. We help folks with structural issues, and as the leading home remodeler in Boulder, we also help with kitchens, baths, and more. Get in touch for a free consultation today.